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Security Compliance Certifications

Logo for PCI DSS


Our services are fully compliant with the global security standards jointly established by five international credit card brands (JCB, American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA).

See details

Logo for PrivacyMark

Privacy Mark

Our company has received the Privacy Mark certification (certification of conformity of personal information protection management systems) for the management of personal information.

Certification for Personnel and Welfare



In August 2024, our company received the "Eruboshi Certification (2 stars)*" certification as a company that promotes the active participation of women by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

*Eruboshi certification is a system based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activity that recognizes companies that meet certain standards and have excellent conditions for the promotion of women's activities.

Certification related to sustainability

Logo for CDP


In the "Climate Change Report 2023" published by CDP*, our company received a "B" score, which is the third highest out of eight levels (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-). Certified.

*CDP is an international environmental non-profit organization (NGO) founded in the United Kingdom in 2000 that sends questionnaires to companies around the world regarding their efforts to address climate change, water resource protection, etc., and collects responses. and disclose that information.

Logo for MSCI


Our company has been certified with a "B" score out of 7 (AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC) by MSCI, an American ESG rating agency. We are promoting the MSCI evaluation improvement project with the aim of increasing the sophistication of our ESG responses.

Other external evaluations, etc.

Logo for Excellent Companies in IR Disclosure

Company with excellent IR disclosure

Our company has been selected as an excellent company in the emerging market stock category of the 2023 "Selection of Companies with Excellent Disclosure by Securities Analysts*" conducted by the Securities Analysts Association of Japan.

*A selection system run by the Securities Analysts Association of Japan, which evaluates the quality, quantity, timing, etc. of a company's disclosure and awards outstanding companies.