Disclosure policy

We believe that dialogue with the market and feedback of market evaluations to management through disclosure is essential for promoting sound management, and that maintaining and enhancing the trust of customers, shareholders, investors, and others through enhanced disclosure is the key to increasing shareholder value.
Based on this basic approach, our information disclosure policy is as follows.

Fundamental Policy

In order to build a relationship of trust with our shareholders and investors, we will strive to disclose information fairly and proactively so that they can accurately recognize and judge our actual situation.

Standards of Information Disclosure

Disclosure of corporate information that may affect investment decisions shall be made in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuer of Listed Security" (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules on Timely Disclosure") established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Methods of Information Disclosure

Disclosure required by the Commercial Code, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, and other laws and regulations will be properly conducted in the manner prescribed by laws and regulations.
Disclosures subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules shall be registered with the "Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet)" provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. after prior explanation to the Exchange in accordance with the Rules, and the same information shall be promptly provided to the media. In accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Regulations, we will promptly post the information on our website after confirming that it has been posted on the "Timely Disclosure Information Viewing Service" on the TSE website. The posting of such information on the website may be delayed for reasons of PDF files or other preparations.
With regard to information that does not fall under the timely disclosure rules, the Company's policy is to accurately and fairly convey such information to shareholders and investors in an appropriate manner in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law and other applicable laws and regulations.

Accuracy of Information

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, please note that we do not guarantee or accept any responsibility for such accuracy.
For material facts, we recommend that you also read the Annual Securities Report, EDINET (electronic disclosure system for disclosure documents such as Annual Securities Report based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law), and other disclosures required by laws and regulations as well as the rules and regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Earnings Forecasts and Forward-Looking Statements

The Company is committed to disclosing its financial results on a quarterly basis for your convenience.
Any forward-looking statements, such as earnings forecasts, made by the Company are only forecasts at the time of publication and are not guarantees of future performance. We do not endorse any forecasts made by third parties.

Disclosure information in meetings with securities analysts and institutional investors

Information presented in our meetings with securities analysts and institutional investors (individual meetings and small meetings) is limited to facts that have already been disclosed in earnings announcements or other public announcements, well-known facts, or the general business environment. We do not discuss undisclosed "material facts" or any other information.

Internal Information Management Rules

The Company has established regulations on insider trading to provide operational guidelines for the disclosure of material facts and management standards for inside information. In addition, the Company is committed to educating its officers and employees to ensure that insider information management is thoroughly implemented.

Voluntary IR Silent Period

The Company has established a "Voluntary IR Silent Period", which begins one month prior to the scheduled announcement of each quarter's financial results and ends on the date of the next financial results presentation. During this period, our officers and employees will refrain from commenting on business prospects, results, or forecasts, and will not hold or participate in individual meetings, analyst briefings (large and small meetings), seminars, conference calls, etc


The information on this website is provided for the purpose of deepening your understanding of our company and is not intended as a solicitation to invest. When making an investment, please do so at your own discretion.
We shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred based on such information, regardless of the reason for such loss or damage.

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