
Toward a Low-Environmental-Impact Society

Our group promotes cashless payments, which have a lower environmental impact compared to cash payments, in the face-to-face payment market. We are committed to contributing to solving social and business challenges and supporting growth.

Recently, due to the spread of COVID-19, the role of cashless payments in face-to-face transactions has become increasingly important. In this context, our group continues to invest in raising the cashless payment ratio in Japan and aims to create a society with a lower environmental impact.

Management’s Commitment to the Environment

Under the shared “GMO-ism” of the GMO Internet Group, we adopt the vision “Changing Payments, Changing the World” and aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

To be a trusted company striving for a sustainable society, we have strengthened and enhanced governance even before our public listing, considering our business characteristics and stage. Now, as a listed company—a public entity in society—we prioritize sustainable growth alongside society amid increasingly severe environmental and social issues.

As a platform creator for next-generation payment systems, we collaborate with alliance partners such as terminal manufacturers and payment machine vendors. Through environmentally conscious business activities, we aim to positively influence the entire industry.

Together with stakeholders who support our business activities, we strive to solve societal challenges, contribute to customer growth, and achieve a sustainable society, enhancing our corporate value and maintaining high growth.

*“GMO-ism” is a collective term for the unchanging goals within the GMO Internet Group, including the “Spirit Venture Declaration,” the “55-Year Plan,” as well as the “Executive Principles” and the “Rules for Success.”

Environmental Policy

As a leading company in the payment industry, we promote cashless payments that eliminate the need for cash and digital billing services that reduce paper use. We also implement renewable energy sources in the data centers that process payment data and engage with suppliers to reduce GHG emissions in our business operations and supply chain. Through these environmentally conscious business practices, we strive to reduce environmental impact and promote a decarbonized, sustainable society.

The Board Director responsible for ESG promotion oversees our Environmental Management System (EMS) and integrates all environmental-related challenges into our business strategy and goals.

The management team, led by the CEO, and the EMS Promotion Office (Corporate Strategy Department) discuss sustainability policies, review plans and progress, and report to the Board of Directors, which provides feedback to guide our initiatives.

About the Environmental Management System (EMS)

Setting Environmental Goals and Metrics

To contribute to a sustainable society, we are committed to reducing GHG emissions. In the fiscal year ending September 2022, we introduced renewable energy for our primary data centers. In the fiscal year ending September 2023, we achieved net-zero GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) for our operations, including other data centers and offices. We will continue this commitment through the fiscal year ending September 2030.

For GHG emissions from our supply chain (Scope 3), we set a goal to reduce emissions per active payment terminal (Categories 1 and 11) by 55% by the fiscal year ending September 2030, compared to the fiscal year ending September 2021. This target aligns with the Paris Agreement.

To achieve these goals, we engage with suppliers to reduce GHG emissions related to purchasing and using payment terminal products (Categories 1 and 11).

Specifically, we conduct dialogues with payment terminal manufacturers to appropriately measure and reduce GHG emissions during production and electricity consumption during face-to-face payments.

Clarification of Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority

Using the international standard ISO 14001 as a reference, we introduced the EMS to mitigate environmental risks and maximize opportunities. The Board Director responsible for ESG promotion oversees the EMS, ensuring environmental challenges are reflected in our business strategy and goals. The Corporate Strategy Department formulates environmental policies and manages disclosure processes, reporting to the Board of Directors semi-annually.

Education, Training, and Awareness Programs

We take preventive measures to address risks surrounding our management, reviewing necessary business rules, improving systems, and conducting employee education.

Establishment of Internal and External Communication Procedures

Through EMS operations, we strive to mitigate environmental risks and maximize opportunities. Our efforts and outcomes are objectively evaluated through feedback from investors and external assessment bodies such as CDP, MSCI, and Sustainalytics.

Emergency Preparedness and Response Procedures

As we do not have manufacturing plants, no significant environmental emergencies originating from our operations are anticipated. However, in case of flooding due to unexpected rainfall from climate change, we follow the disaster response manual to establish a response headquarters. Our data centers are located in areas selected with flood risks in mind and are geographically distributed to enhance business continuity.

Planning and Conducting Internal Audits

We monitor our EMS initiatives at the Board of Directors' meetings twice a year and develop policies for continuous improvement, enhancing environmental performance. Audit Committee Directors ensure the EMS complies with regulations and operates appropriately. The Internal Audit Department conducts EMS audits and may participate as an observer in Board meetings.

Implementing Improvements Based on Reviews and Audit Results

The EMS Promotion Office continuously plans and implements improvements based on evaluations and reviews of the EMS.

Examples of Environmentally Friendly Operations

  • Using recycled paper for receipts (roll paper) in payment terminals
  • Offering electronic storage services for sales slips to reduce paper receipts
  • Using environmentally friendly materials in payment terminal components
  • Refurbishing and reusing returned payment terminals as replacement devices
  • Establishing a Supply Chain Promotion Department to strengthen supply chain management for payment terminals and roll paper

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